Dames de couleurs
Maxime Coton participe à Cinéastes en Classe. Invitez-le dans votre classe !Sanata and Dicko are dyers in Mali. Sanata produces coloured bazin fabrics with her co-wives in Bamako. Dicko lives in the bush in Dogon country and dyes loincloths using indigo. This film takes us on a journey from the Dogon village to the big city, from dark indigo hanging on dried mud walls to the flash of multi-coloured fabrics parading the streets of Bamako. We see hints of the similarities and differences between these craftswomen, both in the practice of their art and their economic and social levels. They have amazing skills, and yet both constantly face the same challenge: ensuring a decent life for their children.
80 min. | 2012 | |
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